Compliance & Accreditations
Testing Laboratory Accreditation - IANZ (International Accreditation New Zealand)
Fletcher Steel’s testing lab is fully IANZ accredited for the testing of Metals and Metals Products within a Scope of Standards as specified on its certification here.
IANZ is New Zealand’s premier accreditation body. An organisation that holds IANZ accreditation can have confidence in its processes and thereby provide assurance to its customers and clients. IANZ is a full signatory member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the regional body, Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC). Accreditation is normally granted only for work that is performed regularly and for which organisations are properly equipped and have demonstrated their competence. The scope of accreditation will, therefore, vary with the range and complexity of work carried out, the competence and experience of staff and the level of technology available in the organisation.
In granting accreditation, IANZ will specify the following details in the scope of accreditation:
- The products and services provided
- Test/inspection methods used
- For testing laboratories, either measurement uncertainties or limits of detection for some types of tests.
Taking Leadership
Fletcher Steel has undertaken a massive amount of work in the past two years around sustainability and product development and we feel that we’re now in a position to take on a leadership role in the steel industry, particularly as we move into 2021 and conversations begin to form around upcoming changes to the Building Code, particularly with respect to embodied carbon. We are very enthusiastic about being a part of those discussions.

As a supplier of SEISMIC® products by Pacific Steel, customers are eligible to earn Greenstar points under the latest V3 standard as well as the previous standards.

Toitū carbonreduce®
In late December 2019, Fletcher Steel was the first steel distributor to achieve carbonreduce™ certification. Fletcher Steel meets the criteria of Toitū carbonreduce™ certification having had its greenhouse gas emissions independently audited in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2006 and has committed to managing and reducing its emissions in respect of the operational activities of its organisation.
With this information, we can provide verified CO2 data for your project, for the product delivered to site. This combines the data from the manufacture of the product (i.e. the Environmental Product Declaration – EPD) plus the impact of transport first to any of our factories, then the impact of our manufacturing processes, and then, finally, transport of the product to site.

Our goal – 30 by 30
Addressing climate change is a huge challenge we face globally. For this reason, Fletcher Building has committed to achieving a 30% reduction in our scope 1 (direct) and scope 2 (indirect) carbon emissions by 2030. This target is based on keeping global temperature rise well below two degrees Celsius.
Our target is verified by the Science-Based Targets initiative, a recognised international third-party verification body, and in line with the goals set in the Paris agreement.
As a Fletcher Building company, Fletcher Reinforcing is committed to meet this goal.
One of the significant emission sources Fletcher Reinforcing has identified is from not us, but from our freight providers transporting product on our behalf. We are now capturing details (hours, diesel consumed, kilometres traveled etc.) from all our providers and we are using this data to build a model of our impact across New Zealand. It has already identified several opportunities to reduce emissions and costs.

Sustainable Steel Council Member
Fletcher Steel is a foundation board member of the New Zealand Sustainable Steel Council. From our work with this organisation we have had a leading role in meeting the wide-ranging goals for the New Zealand steel industry, which are…
Climate change Taking a holistic approach based on the Living Standards Framework to help address climate change, a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.
Waste and the Circular Economy Strive to optimise the eco-efficiency of products throughout their life cycle. Design for upcycling, re-purpose, reuse, and recycling. Separate the technical from the biological.
Safety and Health Foster well -being of employees, provide them with a work environment that is, as far as reasonably practical, without risks to their health and safety, enabling them to return safely to their families at the end of each working day.
Diversity, inclusivity, engagement with Iwi, and life-long learning Create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs. Reduce inequalities through universal policies, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalised populations.